Skill Sessions

Skill Sessions are a regular part of our monthly IFWA meetings. They typically last 30 minutes, including time for questions. It’s a great opportunity for writers to share their skills and knowledge with others who are passionate about the craft. Presenters are responsible for preparing and bringing any presentation materials (handouts, slides, etc.) that they may require for their sessions.

If you wish to make a Presentation, please contact our Skills Guru, Glen Brown at



Jan 2025: TBA
Feb 2025: TBA
Mar 2025: Randall – Invoking Calliope
April 2025: TBA
May 2025: TBA
June 2025: TBA
July 2025: TBA
Aug 2025: TBA
Sept 2025: TBA
Oct 2025: TBA
Nov 2025: TBA
Dec 2025: TBA


Aug 2024: Nicole Wilson – How to Put Words on the Page
Sept 2024: Susan Forest – Blurbs
Oct 2024:  Sandra Anthony – TBA
Nov 2024: Kirk McDougall – Ten Minutes to Publication
Dec 2024: Sandy Fitzpatrick – Taxes for Writers



Jan 2024: Sandra Anthony – Powerful Sentences
Feb 2024: Gail Barrington – Journaling as a Portal to the Creative Self
March 2024: Craig DiLouie – Confessions of a Mid-Lister
April 2024: Randall Thomas – Opening Lines Through the Ages
May 2024: Michael Gillett – Reading in Public (exercise)
June 2024: Dave Worsick – Existentialism
July 2024: Susan Forest – Writing Grant Letters


Jan 2023: Ron Friedman – Decoding Greatness – Reverse Engineering Bestsellers
Feb 2023: Michael Gillett – Self-Editing Tools
Mar 2023: Rachel – Goodreads for Authors
Apr 2023: Michael Gillett – Filter Words and Their Affect on Mood & Voice
May 2023: Calvin Jim – Pantsing: the Undiscovered Country
Jun 2023: Celeste Peters – Limina Inaugural Symposium 2023
July 2023: Julian Quaglia – Perception, Proportion & Voice
Aug 2023: Suzi Vadori & Elizabeth Bradley – Promotions Using TikTok & Newsletters
Sept 2023: Susan Forest – The Short Story Form
Oct 2023: Angela Zowtuk – Autocrit: Software, Skills, and Community
Nov 2023: Suzi Vadori – Slay Your Bloated Word Count
Dec 2023: Susan Forest – Managing Offstage Characters


Jan 2022: Liz Grotkowski – Driving Pace
Feb 2022: Michael Gillett – Fuzzy Logic
Mar 2022: Ron Friedman – Relationship of Science to Sci-Fi  (YouTube Video)
Apr 2022: Renee Bennett – Writing Prompts
May 2022: Sulya Fenichel – Creativity First, Rules Last
Jun 2022: David Worsick – Historical Misconceptions
Jul 2022: Michael Gillett / Susan Forest – Thematic Values (Michael’s Notes)
Aug 2022: Renee Bennett – Bad Words
Sept 2022: Selene O’Rourke – On the Shoulders of Giants – Critiquing the Masters
Oct 2022: Lareina Abbott – Anatomy for Writers
Nov 2022: Sandy Fitzpatrick – Tax information for Writers
Dec 2022: Susan Forest – Finding Beta Readers


Feb 2021: John Paul CooperHow Far is Your Reach?
Mar 2021: Susan ForestPolitical-Economic Geography and Map Making
Apr 2021: Swati Chavda – Emotion in writing
May 2021: Ron FriedmanGame Theory to Help Your Writing.
Jun 2021: Michael GillettReading Aloud Skills
July 2021: Sandy FitzpatrickThree Pipelines for a Successful Author.
Aug 2021: David Worsick – Military History for Fiction
Sept 2021: Michael Gillett – Internal Narrative
Oct 2021: Ron Friedman – Chaos Theory
Nov 2021: Rick Overwater – Simple Tricks for Tightening Sentences and Better Prose


Jan 2020: Ann Cooney – The Proverbial ‘First Page’
Feb 2020: Craig DiLuoie – Writing and Editing by Algorithm 
Mar 2020: Karl Buchner – The “Near-Future” Genre
Apr 2020: Suzy Vadori – How to Pitch Your Novel
Jun 2020: Dale McShannock – Anatomy of Violence
July 2020: Susan Forest – Contract & Copyright
Aug 2020: Kevin Weir – Live Book Reading
Sep 2020: Michael Gillett – Speaking Online
Oct 2020: Michael Gillett – The Importance of Story
Nov 2020: Randy McCharlesProductivity
Dec 2020: Brent NicholsResonance in World Building


Jan 2019: Katie Harse – First Person Narration
Feb 2019: Suzy Vadori – Creating Magic Systems
Mar 2019: Renee Bennett – Rachel Aaron’s ‘How to Write 10K Words a Day’
Apr 2019: Ann Cooney – Theme
May 2019: Michael Gillett – Managing Alpha & Beta Readers
Jun 2019: Calvin Jim – Deep Point of View
Jul 2019: Josh Pantalleresco – Patreon and Crowd Funding
Aug 2019: Leslie Scrimshaw – Marketing Skills Session
Sep 2019: Renee Bennett – Rachel Aaron’s ‘How to Write 10K Words a Day’
Oct 2019: Shannon Allen – IFWA Critique Presentation
Nov 2019: Rex Lenczyk – Sensory Immersion
Dec 2019: Calvin Jim – Scrivener Basics


Jan 2018: Philip Vernon – Pitching Manuscripts Via Twitter Pitch Parties & Contests
Feb 2018: Ed Wilson – Writing and Volcanoes and Super Volcanoes
Mar 2018: Susan Forest – Translating Dan Harmon’s Story Wheel to a Scene-by-Scene Novel Plan
Apr 2018: Ron Friedman – Astronomy and Rocket Science, Not Just for SF Writers
May 2018: Michael Gillett – Reading Aloud (Exercise)
Jun 2018: John Paul Cooper – Writing Process for Screen Writing
Jul 2018: Susan Forest – Grant Proposals
Aug 2018: Rex Lenczyk – Assertiveness for Fiction Writers
Sep 2018: Randy McCharles – Productivity
Oct 2018: Michael Gillett – Reading Aloud (Exercise)
Nov 2018: Richard Pearman – Human Genetics
Dec 2018: Sandy Fitzpatrick – Business Plans for Writers


Jan 2017: Justin Acton – The Publishing Process
Feb 2017: Swati Chavda – Map Making for Science Fiction and Fantasy
Mar 2017: Renee Bennett – Breaking All the Write-In Rules.
Apr 2017: Craig DiLouie – Dialogue
May 2017: Michael Gillett – Editing Your Work: So You Have Feedback, Now What?
Jun 2017: Lesley Sackett Winfield – Read Like a Writer
Jul 2017: Ron Friedman – Villains and Conflict
Aug 2017: Steve Swanson – Creating Your Elevator Pitch

Sep 2017: Michael Gillett – Reading Aloud
Oct 2017: Joshua Pantalleresco – Marketing Yourself
Nov 2017: Lise Brassard – Character Test Arc
Dec 2017: Craig Delouie – Building Character Arcs


Jan 2016: Susan Forest – How to Write a Good Short Story.
Feb 2016: Sandy Fitzpatrick – Tax Tips for Writers
Mar 2016: Randy McCharles – Aurora Awards & Constructive Criticism (40 min session)
Apr 2016: Michael Gillett – The Importance of Character.
May 2016: Chris Jessop – Why Should You Have a Website or Online Presence?
Jun 2016: Craig DiLoue – Plot Structure
Jul 2016: Renee Bennett – What is a Genre?
Aug 2016: Jeff Campbell – Short Stories Vs. Novels: What Should I Write?
Sep 2016: Jodi McIsaac – How to Get Online Reviews?
Oct 2016: Clare Marshall – Website Content
Nov 2016: Chris Wagenstein-Marrs – Character
Dec 2016: Shannon Allen – Critique Sessions, The Round Table, and How to Contribute


Jan 2015: Michael Gillett
Feb 2015: Kevin Weir
Mar 2015 Tommy – Archeology
Apr 2015: Justin Acton – Submitting Your Work
May 2015: Shannon Allen – Mind Mapping
Jun 2015: Craig DiLoue – Writing Horror
Jul 2015: Jeff Campbell – History of Publishing
Aug 2015: Les Kuzyk – Strategic Self Publishing
Sep 2015: Swati Chavda – Streams of Consciousness
Oct 2015: Rick Overwater – Comic Book Publishing
Nov 2015: Brent Nichols – Amazon Serials
Dec 2015: Jodi McIsaac – Historical License

Skill Session Participation

If you are an IFWA member and would like to share your writing-related knowledge, interests, and ideas with the group, please contact either our Skills Guru, Glen Brown at or our President, Michael Gillett at