
Hi All !!!

WOW – what a weekend.  A HUGE thank you to Randy and all the WWC volunteers and organizers that sweat more than blood to pull off an even better than ever event.  SOOOO good ….  and a big thank you to all the IFWA types that contributed by volunteering or paneling or by just showing up and participating.  It was great.

but wait – we’re not done …

IFWA is holding our infamous annual short story contest and whatever fundraiser on Sat, Sept 7 – noon till 4  at Danita’s condominium recreation center on 47th street and 39th  Ave SW.  Directly behind the Richmond Road CO-OP  and in the center area of the complex.  THANK YOU Danita !

Ten dollars at the door gets you in for pot luck (bring goodies or food if you’ve got some to spare),  conversation, fun  and the most amazing raffle for books and ‘stuff’.   As usual we’ll have BBQ burgers and dogs and something amazing from CLIFF !      If you’d like to bring a food item, coordinate with myself or Celeste to be sure, or just bring it for a surprise.

Feel free to donate your favorite books that HAVE to be sacrificed for the new ones – and anything special that’s taking up space (music, movies, trivia and treasure) that you think a kindred soul may appreciate.

Each raffle ticket you purchase (cheaper if you buy lots)  increases your chances for early picks from the lottery table.  We’ll have a kind of penny raffle for bigger ticket items (each item will have a hat and you can drop as many tickets as you like – we’ll take breaks to draw one ticket to win that item) (if we have any big ticket items) (I donated a small telescope once)

Brian Hades from Edge will hopefully drop by for a smile.

Parking on the street or in the mall lot.

Hope to see you there,



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