Tag Archives: writing
Poor Man’s Workshop

The poor man’s workshop evolved from the many wonderful full writing workshops run around the world. The big difference is that the main focus of this workshop is to critique each other’s work. While in other full workshops, visiting authors may be brought in to teach and mentor the participants. In a poor man’s workshop, participants mentor each other. Writing workshops are a chance to critique and be critiqued by 9 other authors over the course of a weekend. This workshop will run over two days. You will receive your package of stories no later than August 15th, and will have two months to complete your critiques. All stories should be read and critiqued before the event.
- Fish Creek Library – Calgary, AB T2J 6S1 – View Map
Aurora Awards 2016
This year’s voter package is now available for paid CSFFA members to download! CSFFA’s Vision is of Canadians creating and enjoying many great science fiction and fantasy works and activities. CSFFA’s Mission is to honour, celebrate and promote excellence in Canadian science fiction and fantasy works and activities.
To that end, this year’s package contains all nominated published works! We are happy to see that a number of IFWITs were nominated for their work this year. Congratulations and good luck! Interested in finding out who was nominated? Visit the Aurora Awards website.
IFWA Short Story Contest
Have you started your story for the 2016 short story contest? In Places Between is a great opportunity for you to get your work in front of a panel of judges in a variety of different genres. Four Calgary Writers’ groups, Calgary’s Imaginative Fiction Writers Association, Calgary Crime Writers, the Alberta Romance Writers’ Association and the Alexandra Writers’ Society, work together to bring the contest alive. You can now submit your original written works of fiction!
IFWA will hold the contest in conjunction with the new When Words Collide literary convention to promote the writing and enjoyment of popular fiction in all its forms. You must be registered for the convention to participate.
To find out more about submission guidelines and story format visit the contest page.
Need som tips for writing and submitting to a short story contest. Check out this article from the Daily Writing Tips written by Diana Thurbon ; 20 Tips For Winning Writing Contests.
“Submitting stories to writing contests can be quite lucrative if you know the tricks of the trade. At the same time it is easy to make an avoidable mistake and miss out.
Many books published now use single quotation marks for speech. I followed this format for an entry in an American contest. After the contest I received an email from the main judge which said: You may have done well in this contest but for the fact that I could not get past the abominable use of apostrophes instead of quotation marks.”